Key Points:
- Mindful eating supports a healthy relationship to food and our body
- The BASICS of mindful eating help us practice eating with awareness
- Start with pausing to breathe deeply and do a “belly check” before eating
- With practice mindful eating becomes easier and more enjoyable
In Part 1 of this blog post we explored why “mindless”
eating is common and can lead to increased food cravings, overeating, and feeling
On the other hand, mindful eating is a practice of paying
attention (non-judgmentally) while eating so that we tune into our experience.
Mindful eating can
help us:
- Become aware of thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations related to eating
- Reconnect to our body’s inner wisdom about hunger and satiety
- Make healthier food choices without feeling deprived
Now, we’ll start exploring some of the BASISCs of mindful
eating with simple steps to help you practice eating with awareness.
The BASICS of Mindful Eating , created by Dr. Lynn Rossy, include the following
- Breathe and Belly Check for hunger and satiety before you eat
- Assess your Food
- Slow Down
- Investigate your hunger and satiety throughout the meal
- Chew Your Food Thoroughly
- Savor Your Food
to Dr. Rossy the BASICS of mindful eating, “are guidelines (not rules) to help
you become conscious about how, what, when and why you eat.”
As you're learning new mindful eatings skills it's natural to forget sometimes. Look
for ways to remind yourself of your intention. Post sticky notes with the BASIC practices where you will see
them frequently (such as in your kitchen or other location where you eat often).
As you practice you may find that you are eating healthier, and that you are also enjoying food and having fun with your eating experience. Try exploring one of the BASIC practices each week to go into each one in more depth. To learn more visit: The BASICs of Mindful Eating.
This week start with practicing: Breathe and Belly Check for hunger and satiety. Below are a few ideas to consider based on Dr. Rossy's guidance as you explore the first BASIC:
- Before eating, pause and take a few deep breaths as you begin to check in with your body. Are you physically hungry? If yes, how hungry are you and what are you hungry for?
- It’s also possible you might actually be thirsty or hungry for something other than food (e.g. physical movement such as walking, rest or relaxation, or even social connection with a friend or loved one).
- Listen to your body’s signals. General guidance: eat food when you’re physically hungry. Enjoy a refreshing glass of water if you’re thirsty. Look for non-food ways to meet your true needs when you’re not physically hungry. Find out what your body is telling you by breathing and doing a belly check.
Image courtesy of Mister GC
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