Monday, May 7, 2018

Food to Recover Garden Planting Party

On April 21st, FTR members polished up their green thumbs and planted a seed in the Food to Recover garden.

They imagined planting a seed for their recovery and watching it grow, as they themselves grow.

Led by member Matthew Kendall, members learned the basics of planting and where to plant. Members planted carrots, onions, cabbage, bell peppers, hot peppers, peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, kale, herbs, eggplants, tomatoes, and broccoli. 

Gardening can be a wonderful way to connect with your food, the earth, and those around you. There is something so calming about being in the dirt and being a part of the miracle of plant growth. For some, it was their first time planting, so members got to take some seeds home to try it again for themselves!

We look forward to watching the seeds grow as we continue to support each other in our recovery. There is nothing more inspiring than watching a small seedling shine its face to the sun every day to grow taller and eventually provide nourishment for others.

may we all learn from the garden, respect the garden, and enjoy the harvests of the garden in the Food to Recover kitchen!

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